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People | #0 | A new beginning

Are you concerned about the future of our societies? Are you secretly hoping for a positive, human-centered political revolution to turn history around? If yes, subscribe to "People", the political newsletter to imagine a new politics crafted by people like you and us.

Dear Andrea,

It is with great pleasure that we announce the launch of “People”, a political newsletter covering stories, news, and reflections on politics from around the world.

In a time when our societies are bewildered by tensions, where the traditional economic models have lost relevance, and where our governments cannot even work together and learn from each other during a global pandemic, it’s clear that old answers are not working anymore. In many countries, those in power are unable to satisfy the most basic requests of their people: a decent quality of life, a safe environment where to grow a family, a society with equal and fair opportunities for everyone, the feeling of having our most fundamental rights protected. 

Some might think, “ah, but if my party/side were in power, things would be different.” We do not agree: it is very likely that your “side” was in power recently enough to have changed things. And things did not change. Why? Because the world we live in has changed faster than our politics, and the ideologies of the last 80 years must be updated to be relevant in today’s world. 

How can any government deal effectively with phenomena like the digital transformation that is destroying the relationship between profits and taxation, given that giants like Amazon can account for their operations wherever they like? How can we avoid unemployment and poverty, when by 2025, half of all work activities will be performed by machines? How can most politicians tell us with a straight face that they’ve done their best to deal with COVID when countries like Taiwan have basically erased the disease, and they are not even trying to imitate them and apply those best practices at home?

These and other topics will be covered in People, a space for all of us to come together and try to imagine a different future where a new kind of hopeful, human-centered, and innovative politics can be crafted, from the local to the global level, by people like you and us.

Every Sunday, you will be able to read, participate, and try to turn a bit of light on in the dark months that many of us might have to face in the coming months. Let’s set sails and see how far we will sail together.

Our only requests to you?

  1. This email is already reaching people on most continents of the planet, but we would like to bring it a step further. Please forward this email to a few friends that are disillusioned with the political status quo and might be hoping for something new: we have space on our boat, and we are about to depart ;) They can subscribe here.
  2. Please please please, email us back with ideas, feedback, and proposals for what you want to read and discuss in this space. Many brains are better than one, and we are sure you have much to contribute!

This will be an amazing journey. Let's start!

Andrea Venzon & Colombe Cahen-Salvador |

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On Syria

December 10, 2024

Let’s be clear: this is a moment to celebrate! Syrians have paid a very high price for this moment to happen. The al-Assad regime & allies killed over 83,500 civilians. Over 150,000 people have disappeared since 2011. Tens of thousands were imprisoned. Tortured. Murdered....

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