Humanity needs to do better; it’s NOW! or never!
October 17, 2019
Sitting back and waiting for others to take action is no longer an option. We have a duty to stand for one another. We have the power to shape this world for the better. We have to unite. By Colombe Cahen-Salvador & Andrea Venzon...
Read More"The Future of Europe”, a Deutsche Welle documentary
September 02, 2019
I’m extremely humbled to be featured in this Deutsche Welle documentary along with 3 other incredible activists from Greece, Germany and Poland: Sotiris Sideris, Ksenia Eroshina and Beata Siemieniako. We are Generation Europe, fighting for peace and unity. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE DOCUMENTARY...
Read MoreDoes the roof of a cathedral really mean more than human lives?
August 27, 2019
A human being died. A human being who tried to swim from France to the U.K.. A clear act of despair. We could have prevented it. France and the U.K. are two of the wealthiest countries on earth, which not only should but can...
Read MoreTrump’s trolls made my case for transnationalism stronger
August 08, 2019
What happens in one country can have dire consequences in many others — we have a responsibility to speak up and work together.
Read MoreAre the European Elections the last episode of Game of Thrones?
May 12, 2019
This article was originally published in the Huffington Post Greece, on May 12, 2019. Click here to read the original piece.
Read MoreNow is the time to create a real European democracy
May 03, 2019
This article is co-written by Andrea Venzon, Colombe Cahen-Salvador and Damian Boeselager, and was originally published in Euractiv, on May 3, 2019. Click here to read the original piece.
Read MoreAbaissons les barrières à la démocratie pour permettre la représentation de tous les citoyens
April 25, 2019
Cet article a été initialement publié dans Mediapart, le 25 avril 2019. Cliquez ici pour lire l'article original.
Read MoreAssocier les citoyens à la construction et à l’évaluation des politiques de l’UE
April 10, 2019
Cet article a été initialement publié dans Les Echos, le 10 avril 2019. Cliquez ici pour lire l'article original.
Read MoreGouvernance de l’Europe : abandonner l’unanimité
March 20, 2019
Cet article a été initialement publié dans Les Echos, le 20 mars 2019. Cliquez ici pour lire l'article original.
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